Building a Board for Armies on Parade

Long time I didn’t want to participate on Armies on Parade this year, but as I had been asked by some people, I decided to build one, I can use as part of a Battlefield.

First thoughts how to build the board.

Does the Lord of Skulls really fit on the ramp?


Begin of the work with styrodur

Chaos Knight

Is there a knight which could better fit into a Khorne Army, than this? I don’t think so and when I saw it first on the Forgeworld website I knew, I want it.

This model was the first „Lord of war“, there will be at least two more, which are waiting to become a Renegade Knight lance

Made out of three knight set, so I can use 2 Gatling guns

Fully magnetized on Arms, shield and small guns.


First fittings of the carapace

Completed with Patafix

The balcony is fixed with magnets,

Carapace and Shoulders completed

Heat on the guns

what a view…

nearly completed…