Building a Armies on Parade board III

After everything is built, it’s time to add the structure. I used bird sand for the rocks and Sand for the ground, the ramp was made with base ground, in which I added some tracks from the Tanks and the Lord of Skulls.

Meanwhile I painted a promethium refinery which I add on the right side. I magnetized the pipes and built it, that I can change it.

Then it was time to start painting. I used chaos black and spray paints for the big and acrylic colors for the highlighting.

Adding the bloodfall

This is Khorne Mountain. So the lake, the Kytan Ravager stomps the dead knight in, is not only a swamp, its a blood swamp. And so the waterfall is not only water…

Stones in the river.

The blood swamp

Blood for the blood god…

Chaos Knight

Is there a knight which could better fit into a Khorne Army, than this? I don’t think so and when I saw it first on the Forgeworld website I knew, I want it.

This model was the first „Lord of war“, there will be at least two more, which are waiting to become a Renegade Knight lance

Made out of three knight set, so I can use 2 Gatling guns

Fully magnetized on Arms, shield and small guns.


First fittings of the carapace

Completed with Patafix

The balcony is fixed with magnets,

Carapace and Shoulders completed

Heat on the guns

what a view…

nearly completed…

Hello world!


my name is Andy and I wanna show you some pics about my hobby: Warhammer 40k

Here I’ll show you, how jI build and paint my models. It’s a Khorne Army, played as a World Eaters Army with Support of a Khorne Daemon Detachment.