Kytan Ravager

When I saw this model on the Forgeworld website, I just thought one thing: 


It wasn’t easy to build it, but I had a friend, who helped me building the legs and the base. 

With this model my super heavy detachment is complete.

Well, this face really is NOT pretty

A defeated Knight is just stomped into a bloody swamp, the pilot didn’t succeed in the escape.

Both arms, the waist, and the head are magnetized for better posing. The head and face are fully interchangeable with the lord of Skulls.


Thanks for the help, Valentin

adding the pilot

work on the base



armor plates were painted separately

Chicken legs?


Lord of Skulls

Here is the lord! Games Workshops biggest Model for the Chaos Space Marines. I always wanted to have one and last Christmas I found it under the tree…

May I introduce? The big bad boy

Its magnetized on both arms for a different posing

All weapons and the face are magnetized


There are many single parts to paint separately

Size comparison

Colours are getting on



Work on the Skulls

Chaos Knight

Is there a knight which could better fit into a Khorne Army, than this? I don’t think so and when I saw it first on the Forgeworld website I knew, I want it.

This model was the first „Lord of war“, there will be at least two more, which are waiting to become a Renegade Knight lance

Made out of three knight set, so I can use 2 Gatling guns

Fully magnetized on Arms, shield and small guns.


First fittings of the carapace

Completed with Patafix

The balcony is fixed with magnets,

Carapace and Shoulders completed

Heat on the guns

what a view…

nearly completed…